How to Change Google Password on iPad

Here you can get information about How to Change Google Password on iPad. You can change your password for security reasons or reset it if you forget it. Your Google Account password is used to access many Google products, like Gmail and YouTube.

Changing your Google account / Gmail password on an iPhone or iPad may seem like a simple task but once you need to do it, you may have trouble finding the option to change your password.

In reality, changing your password from an iPhone or iPad isn’t that hard but it does take some digging. The problem is that you cannot change your Gmail password from the Apple Mail app or from the Gmail app for iOS.

Steps you can follow to change Gmail password on iPad

Step 1: On your iPhone or iPad, open the Gmail app.

iPad Gmail  app

Step 2: At the top right, tap your profile picture or initial > Manage your Google Account. If you don’t use Gmail, go to

Manage your Google Account
  • At the top, select on the Personal info.
Personal info option
  • Under “Basic info,” select Password.
  • Enter your new password, then select Change Password.
New password and Change Password option on Google Account menu

Tip: When you enter your password on mobile, the first letter isn’t case sensitive.

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